浙江大学中国农村发展研究院国际院长、国际食物政策研究所(IFPRI)资深研究员陈志钢教授在经济学SSCI期刊China & World Economy(《中国与世界经济》)发表文章“Impacts of COVID-19 on Migrants, Remittances, Incomes, and Poverty in China: A Microsimulation Analysis”,文章作者为张玉梅(第一作者)、詹悦(IFPRI研究助理)、刁新申(IFPRI资深研究员)、陈志钢(通讯作者)、Sherman Robinson(IFPRI研究员)。
Impacts of COVID-19 on Migrants, Remittances, Incomes, and Poverty in China: A Microsimulation Analysis
China & World Economy
张玉梅、詹悦、刁新申、陈志钢、Sherman Robinson
本文通过自上而下的宏观-微观模拟分析方法,将宏观经济部门的增长预测与基于2018 年中国家庭追踪调查的个体数据相链接,依据Zhang等(2020)基于社会核算矩阵乘数分析法估计的疫情对宏观经济冲击作为外生变量输入微观模拟模型,分析疫情对农民工个体和家庭收入的影响,以及对居民收入分配和贫困的影响。
Chinese migrant workers are very exposed to the shocks caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Falling remittances adversely affect their families who rely on remittance incomes. The impacts of COVID-19 on migrants and remittance-receiving households are assessed using a nationally representative household dataset and a microsimulation model. We found about 70 percent of migrant workers lost part of their wage income during the pandemic lockdown period and rural migrants working in small and medium enterprises were affected the most. This led to about 50 percent of remittance-receiving households being affected adversely by falling remittances, and the average decline in such income was more than 45 percent. Nearly 13 percent of pre-pandemic nonpoor remittance-receiving households could fall into poverty, raising the poverty rate among remittance-receiving households by 4 percentage points. Many households that were poor prior to the pandemic became more impoverished. The results indicate that social protection programs targeting vulnerable migrants and their families at home are important.